Monday 21 January 2008


Can you believe that it will be 4 months since we last got together at Fern Ave Community Garden, by the time the Feb meeting comes around. Here are the details but first, who organises this with the Fern Ave people? Maybe Cath or Kath ? Anyway someone (not me) needs to do it ASAP. Please let me know when its all OK and I will send out a reminder email to members.

Wednesday February 20th, 1.30 pm (members only)

Bring seeds, plants, something for me to eat (!), produce and any ideas for places to visit and things to do for 2008.
****If you can, take a look at Johnny's seeds because we have US$100 to spend !Bring a list of your choices and we will decide what to get.***

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Sounds good, see you there!