Friday, 4 January 2008

New Year Garden

With the mad rush of Christmas berries behind me ,harvest continues at a more relaxed pace, the raspberries are all but over but I noticed the autumn raspberries are beginning to ripen & I’m already picking mulberries which are normally ready late Jan/Feb.
Yesterday it was cool enough to get the pumpkin patch weeded. It was easier than I thought , the mainly grasses were easy to pull out and start their new life as mulch. The pumpkins are doing well, especially the ones grown from Brett’s Butternut seeds BUT they don’t look like butternuts. The commercial butternut seeds that I planted are growing much slower with no fruit at this stage. So Brett what did your butternuts cross with?

During the hot spells I’ve got all the garlic braided & hung up all round the kitchen.

I’ve also started sorting out the latest seed harvests & been busy making sorbets mainly from citrus which makes such refreshing deserts. The peels are out in the sun drying to be used as fire lighters over winter.


Maggie said...

It looks like a squash. I have a copy of Heinerman's New Encyclopedia of Fruits & Vegetables by John Heinerman. In the chapter Pumpkins, Squash & Gourds there are amazing claims that all parts of this family of vegetables can reduce inflammation, heal sprains & migraines & cold mash pumpkin is claimed to reduce swelling in sunburn. Heaps of other good stuff all from a $2.00 Op Shop book.

gardengal said...

Don't supposed you could spare some raspberry canes???
