Monday, 3 March 2008

Adelaide Writers Week 2008

One of my favorite events in Adelaide is Writer's Week, when authors from all around the globe gather at the Women's Memorial Gardens to launch their latest book or talk about their life or read their poetry.
It is usually warm Autumn weather and today was no different.

Besides listening to peoples stories I just love the crowds gathered under the wonderful trees just a stones throw from the University and the city centre.
Trees and the green grass are a perfect backdrop for creative minds, the thoughts flow and old friends meet up and enjoy company and stimulating ideas.
Writer's Week continues until Friday so there is plenty of time to just wander down and hear some great people tell their stories.

And then on the way home I saw this Adelaide City Council Free Connector bus - "The world's first solar electric bus". How cool is that!


Kate said...

I love writers' week too and the setting is perfect - lets hope it never gets moved inside somewhere. See you there, Maggie.I will go even if it is too hot for me!I saw that bus too - lets hope we get more of them soon. I have thought for ages how all cars in Adelaide and other hot, sunny places should have a little solar-powered vent in the roof to extract all the REALLY HOT air that builds up when you have to park in the sun. Then your car would only be the outside air temperature when you got back in and, even though that might be 40C at least it is not 50+ !!

Maggie said...

Sure Kate ring me if you are going, the lunch tent is hopeless, dead looking sandwiches, cold rolls, boring salads or sausage in bread and dead looking cake and muffins labelled "home made really" I think they need a new home!
What happened to crusty rolls with heaps of salad and swiss cheese or felafel oozing with with fresh tzatziki!

Kate said...

One thing I discovered in Sydney last year was that they sure know how to cater for a crowd with excellent food, well-priced and faster than a speeding peanut!Imagine if we did the catering - "Hills and Plains lunches - from our gardens to your plate!"