Monday 17 March 2008


Teresa, on Balcony Greens, feels it is her inexperience in growing things that gives her that skippity doo thing but I feel it too, every time I see my plate piled up with food from my garden. Here is a salad that I ate only minutes after picking it. It is made up of baby cos lettuce, sweet potato leaves, basil,water cress, water spinach, wild rocket and purslane. I am not one for dressings on home-grown food but a tiny splash of organic (ie flavoursome and aroma-filled) peanut oil and a few drops of my new home-made verjuice plus a small twist of a pepper-grinder full of Barry Beach's special peppercorns, turns this into something to die for.

The other day I lined up these things from my cupboards for a photo for EcoMomical. They are mostly Australian made products that I consider to be worth buying because of their excellent quality and value for money.It includes peanut oil and Barry Beach's products. See more about them and others on EcoMomical.

This is what I call food. Look at those colours! Cut the capsicums in half, length-ways and slice up the squash thickly and do the same with some eggplants. Into a hot baking dish put some olive oil, spread the vegetables out to 1 layer, sprinkle with more oil and bake at least 1/2 hour at 180 - 200C. When done and still hot grind over a little really good pepper or ground Tasmanian pepper-leaf, sprinkle really lightly with a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Turn over to combine flavours and tip out into a dish to serve. Eat hot or at room temperature.
If I were a religious person, which I definitely am not, I would thank a god for providing me with the opportunity to see such beauty in my own garden. And there is definitely something fundamental to our souls that happens , at least to me, when I see - I mean really see - and touch and often smell and feel with my heart, the results of placing one seed in the soil. I could go on and on about this because if only we could get some of the world's so-called leaders to feel this thing which takes me beyond the dealings of day-to-day life, the world could be on the way to peace. (Inspired by Patrick's piece on Tibet, at Bifurcated Carrots)


Anonymous said...

Kate! Look at your vegetables! Wonderful, I can taste them in my mouth already - fresh, home growned vegetables...

I guess the skippity do dar feeling will always be there right? Can't wait to eat my own grown ones one day.

And you're right. Growing humbles me, watching seeds grow into plants can be something we take for granted but it's a mini miracle happening everyday. Have a great week ahead!

chaiselongue said...

Thanks for these words and pictures, Kate. I don't believe in miracles either but it always seems almost a miracle to me when one seed turns into a plant bearing tomatoes, peppers, aubergines ... If only politicians were closer to the earth, to all this life and growing, maybe they would appreciate how precious it is to ordinary people, and work towards peace not violence. If only!