Sunday 27 April 2008

Rain, rain, rain.

Wonderful rain to continue recharging the sub soil moisture. We have had 44 mm so far since Anzac day. But there is a long way to go to recover the sub soil moisture and the springs.
At the beginning of the month we received 35.5 mm of rain, it quickly soaked into the thirsty soil, everything turned greenand the fungus burst forth.

The Nirvana team enjoying Autumn

So far in April we have had 87.8 mm, more than most , but there is a long way to go for a full recovery and 'normal' rainfall pattern as the ponds are still mostly dry.
See what's happening at Nirvana Organic Farm and in Deb's vegetable garden.


Maggie said...

Fantastic, I love the photo and your blog articles are great too.
All that yummy food, no wonder you guys all look so happy.
I bet your fire will be burning tonight.

Kate said...

Love the photos Deb. You have had mighty good rain - lets hope this is just the beginning of a great year. I look forward to seeing that cardoon tomorrow when I return your books.