We were looking at our garlic today and noticing the long curly tops.
I have just been reading on Theresa's blog, Pondering the Myriad Things... all about garlic scapes.
If you check all the comments and one by Amber and follow the links she suggests you could be making yummy pesto or sauce with your garlic trimmings. Apparently you get much bigger bulbs with some varieties of garlic if you trim.
I'm going to try and do some kind of supper dish with my scapes tonight, and then I should head out and trim my own garlic! I didn't know it could make the garlic heads bigger -thanks for the mention and for teaching me yet something else about these neat garlic scapes.
I am hoping Deb from Nirvana will make a comment. She is the Garlic expert in our group, she teaches Biodynamic methods and grows heaps of garlic each year.
Kate grows lots of garlic.
I did a google image search of garlic scapes and people have prepared them in all sorts of ways.
Wow - I've never heard of garlic scapes, but I'm intrigued!
Thanks for visiting my site!
Thanks Maggie,I learnt something new today! It will be interesting to find out if the scapes are sourced from garlic similar to the varieties we grow here in Oz.
Can't wait to try it!
P.s. love the name, at first I thought you were writing about a fugitive garlic bulb,must be jetlag!
Cheers, Glenys
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