They grew and grew and grew, I had to stake one as tumbled out onto the path but no sign of a broccoli head forming. Mean while Kate’s had headed towards seeding and its place was quickly filled with plants that would make a meal sooner. Meanwhile my two where still growing and one needed a bigger stake. Then in late April, excitement plus the smaller one started to set heads not one but many, was it going to seed. The weather must have cooled down just in time. The many small heads provided several harvests and are still producing a harvest now and then. The other one, now much bigger than its companion has finally set a single head, still small but beautiful in its form so maybe I’ll have a nice head to harvest b
y the end of august, maybe for kitchen garden day/bloggers get together. True slow food but I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

Meanwhile back in January I planted some Franchi romanesco precoce seeds (these are cauliflowers but look the same as romanesco broccoli on the packet) these along with the purple ones(di sicilia vioetto) are doing well , the plants are normal size of cauliflower/broccoli and setting heads (the largest being almost the same size as the spring one). So I’d recommend planting them in January, (the instructions suggest planting in late summer for winter harvest) thus reducing the risk of them going to seed during the hot weather and using up a lot less space.

So are the same, or is there a romanesco broccoli and also a romanesco cauliflower? or is it a matter of translation?
Looks like a good pot of cauliflower, broccoli soup or perhaps yummy cheesy veggie pie to me.
Maybe it is just a colour thing, Deb. The broccoli one is meant to be lime green. It will be interesting to see how they look when mature....I will have a look at them today when I come up to your place.
I planted Broccoli Vert Romanesco this year. I have harvested some, and it tastes more like Cauliflower for me.
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