Friday, 31 October 2008
Future Proof Your Water Supply
7+ acres, cool valley with many springs, large spring fed dam, all in need of a loving gardener. Great neighbours ie Nirvana. It has a house a long way off the road ,sheds, poultry sheds & run. This is nothing like the discription or spin it is being sold with but what a gardener might be interested in. (actually the land is not mentioned other than the size & the 'garden' mentioned was made last week!) Anyway its called 'The Sanctuary' at 198 Longwood Rd. Sadly this property has not had one gardener in the time we have been next door, 25 years but at least the current owners have got rid of most of the blackberries!
Thursday, 30 October 2008

I had planned to make Tara a Rose Tiara and Niki a geranium crown but you know how hard it is to get young gals organized. So with all that has to be done I thought it easier just to show last years hats, but if I get heaps of comments I shall get the girls organised for a photo shoot. For now we wish you a scary Halloween and get stuck into the roasted pumpkin.
And I did roast a great organic pumpkin today. Bob and I ate loads with roasted onions, leeks, cauliflower, potatoes and fennel, YUM.
I took a platter of roast veggies around to my sweetie pie grandson and his parents and I have leftovers for my parents and other son who will visit tomorrow.
We have planted lots of pumpkins this year, we may need cheap, healthy food.
Tara and Niki are all dressed up for Halloween tonight.
This is the best way ever to cook pumpkin, I just slice it across the middle, scoop out the seeds for drying and seedsaving, put the top back on, rub with olive oil and bake it in a moderate oven for about an hour. Peel off the top skin. The flesh tastes delicious, just scoop out some and serve it with garlic toast, a real treat.
Nasturtium flowers and leaves are great to eat put them in salads they also are great for stopping hay fever. Niki loves to eat them, her special treat.
It is also HERB DAY this Sunday.
If you need any unusual plants or herbs it is Herb Day presented by the Herb Society of South Australia this Sunday the 2nd of November. It is held at the Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton. 10am to 4pm. Free Admission.
It is always a great day with heaps of herbs and great wholesome food available all day.
Bring a friend or two and enjoy all the pleasure of growing and using herbs and spices.
Nicholas usually has Ayuvedic herbs, Hillside Herbs will have many varieties of Chillies,
Heather will have drought tolerant herbs and there will be heaps of other plants and veggies for sale.
Urrbrae High will have their BARN MARKET this Saturday, if you want to get local olive oil, wine, meat, eggs, veggies and heaps of cheap plants they open from 9 to 12 the 1st Saturday of the month.
Oh and don't forget BOO at the ZOO, I have no one to go with but I reckon there are a whole lot of kids who will have the time of their lives with the animals and sunset and scary things at the zoo.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Coming home has never been such a strange sensation as this before.... a lot changes in 6 weeks - the weather, the world, the vegetable garden and the vibes! It was lovely to be picked up at the airport by son Hugh, the roof off his car on this sunny spring day, and make a quick dash to see my mother, who lives not far from the airport. Her mango tree is flowering, with thousands of fruits possible - let's hope she gets a record crop in April. When we arrived home I saw that our peach tree is laden with fruit again and the apple trees have been blossoming too.
Roger has looked after the vegetable garden really well but, despite giving lots away, there are still plenty of things ready to pick and lots that have gone to seed to make next year's food.
On my potting bench I found a foam box full of various little seedlings and next to it, a collection of magnificent plants ready for the garden. On the front door was a note.... "Here are some seedlings to give Kate something to do when she gets home.... besides the blog! From Deb". Thanks Deb, the best welcome home present imaginable!
After making a salad from the garden and a cup of my favourite coffee for Hugh, Roger and myself, I headed out to pick some things for dinner...
....broccoli, a massive fennel, shallots, beetroot, French violetta artichokes, and Egyptian broad beans....and....
white shahtoot mulberries..... if you have never eaten them, you are missing a treat....much more yummy than they look. They are not just sweet but also full of flavour and quite surprisingly delicious. They are ready when they just fall off as you touch them. This mulberry is hardy to everything, grows like the wind, produces in its first year and is a prolific bearer of delicious fruit....what more do you want?
So, that's it, the voyage of the vegetable vagabond is over....but only for now. There are a lot more vegetable gardens and wonderful people out there and I would like to continue this journey and maybe spend a bit more time in some places.
Thanks you so much to all the people I have stayed with, thank you for your hospitality, friendship and generosity and don't forget you are welcome here anytime. I have had a fantastic 6 weeks and there wasn't one minute that I would change. Take care of yourselves and enjoy your vegetable gardens and please put some posts on your blogs about the progress of the vegetables that we planted together and other jobs I helped you with. Au revoir.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
First was oven-puffed pancakes with fresh blueberry sauce for breakfast at Jack's followed by some serious gardening in the vegetable garden.
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Jack grows lots of vegetables but the thing about Jack is the number and variety of fruit trees he has planted over the years into a relatively small space.
Then we headed over to see some old uni days' friends and catch up on renovations and chooks and travel stories, have lunch and go for a walk to a nearby school that is doing great things in their vegie patch.
Kathy's new, recycled kitchen looks great and it was terrific to see Jane from NZ.... ![]() | Old friends and their families .... nice but crazy! ![]() | Interesting things you can do with electrical wire! ![]() |
![]() Have you ever seen a street sign like this? ![]() | ![]() Kathy's vegetable garden is looking pretty good ! | ![]() It was raining at Sunshine today! |
There are more photos here.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Today Roger and I took the train out to see Gavin and Kim at Melton to explore the ongoing journey of The Greening of Gavin. You couldn't meet nicer people and entering the gate through the high brick wall is like stepping into a food-grower's secret garden. Melton, on the whole, is a dry place with barren front yards of dying grass and sparse trees. Not only is everything lush and healthy and bursting with life inside the gate but it is also so beautiful.... and I felt just as the children in the story "The Secret Garden" felt when they opened the gate and were awe-struck with what they found inside. Just goes to show what you can do with an ordinary block.....
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If you read Gavin's blog you will know that he has been suffering with a back problem for a year or so and yet what he has achieved here is amazing. His and his wife Kim's enthusiasm is highly infectious and finally I am actually looking forward to getting back into my garden and adopting some of Gavin's ideas, and others I have gained from my vegetable gardening friends all over the world and he certainly inspired Roger to get thinking on using some of his ideas too.
They have solar panels and produce an average of 75% of their electricity needs, as well as having lots of energy efficient appliances and water-saving methods. I think we could rightly say that Gavin has been greened, well and truly.
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Gavin cooked us a quiche with his own vegetables and eggs and made us an excellent loaf of bread. Kim made a lovely salad and we had a great chat over lunch. Kim makes the labels for Gavin's preserves which fill a cupboard.... he even has pickled eggs!
Kim is very artistic and creative and their home and gardens reflect this.....I wish I could co-ordinate things like Kim has done!
Thanks Gavin for taking the day off work to be with us today and I look forward to keeping in touch with you and Kim and hopefully showing you around my place one day....when I smarten it up!
Next stop tomorrow....home!
Some people may see may see Kitchen Gardeners International mostly as an American group but I am here to tell you that Roger Doiron's campaign to put a vegetable garden on the White House lawn is a symbol of the future for all of us. The USA president is a powerful man and we have seen how much George Bush has affected international relations, climate change, free speech and human rights etc etc....all of these effects ricocheting around the world everyday. Every person in the world has been affected by American policy and will continue to be so if we can all band together to force some change for the better in the USA, even in the smallest ways, it will be magnified as it ripples around the globe.
One thing we vegetable gardening bloggers and readers can do is to support the concept of the White House promoting vegetable gardening by supporting Roger's campaign any way we can, no matter how distant and small it seems. There are a lot of us and together we can help America to be a leader in promoting local, organic food.
Please, take a moment to read this KGI's latest newsletter and follow the link to making your contribution to the health of the people and the environment and in fact the future existence of our civilisation. It is an important step in the future for every life form on earth.
Dear Kitchen Gardener,
This October has had an international flavor in our household. My family and I recently hosted Australian gardener, blogger and seed saver, Kate Flint, for a few days. Kate is a member of KGI's small board and is better known these days as the globe-trotting "vegetable vagabond." She is on the last leg of gardening world tour where she's been staying with various people from Asia, Europe and the US, all of whom grow some of their own food. Check out Kate's blog to get the full story on who she saw, what she ate and where she managed to fit in some gardening. As you can see from the photo above, we put her to work digging our Belgian endives out of the ground for winter forcing- thanks again Kate for helping and visiting!
I also want to thank all of you for helping out on a group gardening project that is really starting to bear fruit. Rather than explain what I mean, I'll let this e-mail I received earlier this week do the talking:
....................."I wanted to write to inform you that we are announcing the winners of the Climate Matters Video contest and that your video, This Lawn is Your Lawn, has won third place. Our judges loved your video and the very simple and yet powerful message of a garden outside the White House. The story, announcing our winners, will break on through Andrew Revkin's blog and through a nationwide press release. Over the coming days it will broadcast on LinkTV, FSTV, and be highlighted in an email blasts to over 80,000 Brighter Planet and 1Sky community members. It will be offered through as an ad to be shown in districts around the country and distributed to every member of congress and each presidential campaign alongside the other winners. We are also working on having it air at the eco-film festival prior to the San Francisco Greenfestival as well as the Wild and Scenic Film Festival."
Your mouseclicks and views of our This Lawn is Your Lawn video helped propel it into the finals where it was then judged a winner by a star-studded panel. So, give yourself a pat on the back for helping to get the word out IN A BIG WAY about the "First Garden." The Campaign has now been written up in over 450 papers nationwide and, via this contest, will soon have a TV audience of close to 50 million households. And, if all that wasn't enough, the sustainable food superstar, Michael Pollan, recently wrote a long article for the New York Times which ends with an "eat the view" recommendation of his own to the next president.
So, you might be asking what tricks, if any, we still have up our sleeve. We have just one and the most challenging one of all: keep it all going and growing! Kitchen Gardeners International doesn't accept advertising money or grants from large corporations or government sources because we want to pursue our healthy agenda free of any philosophical constraints. So that means we count on kitchen gardeners and local food advocates like you for 98% of our modest operating budget (the other 2% of last year's budget came from book sales, in case you're curious).
I recognize that the global economy is iffy at best, but I'd like to ask for your participation in our end of the year funding drive, even if it's just a symbolic donation. Since organic gardeners are strong believers in biodiversity, we're offering a diverse selection of ways to give.
1) Our new brand new 10 day eBay auction: we're hoping to raise some money and awareness for our Eat the View! work by auctioning off a 1 square foot piece of the "White House Lawn"...MY WHITE HOUSE LAWN! The auction will end on November 2nd just 2 days before Election Day. We're hoping that if we can get a few large bids in that it will generate some funds and some media attention at a critical moment in the election cycle. Because we're a tax-exempt charity, all proceeds go to KGI (eBay waives its fees for nonprofits selling directly). The winning bidder can take a tax deduction on the difference between the fair market value of the item (which we estimate to be $'s organic!) and the amount paid. It is possible to submit a bid anonymously for those for whom discretion is important. For those who are wondering, we have the written approval of eBay to conduct a charity auction in this way. Click here to go to our new e-bay auction page.
2) $10 as a donation to KGI and a symbolic statement of support for the Eat the View! campaign. This is for people who want to make a smaller gesture of support on behalf of the campaign. Our goal with this part of our drive is to sell 1000 square feet of the White House (symbolically only!) by the time the next president takes office. This donation can be made online with a credit card or by mailing in a check. There is no link with eBay. There is also a possibility to do this as gift in someone else's name by making the donation and then filling out a do-it-yourself "certificate of ownership" which can offered as a thoughtful and eco-friendly holiday gift. Click here to go to our White House Lawn sale page at
3) A regular, ol' fashioned tax-deductible donation to KGI with no connection to the Eat the View! campaign, the White House lawn or eBay. This donation can be made online by credit card or bymailing in a check.
Whatever way you choose or have already chosen through a contribution made earlier this year, thank you for your support. Together, we are really making a difference.
Roger Doiron
Compost-Pile-Turner-in-Chief, Kitchen Gardeners International
Seed Sower, "Eat the View" campaign
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Now I am in Melbourne, Victoria and had a great flat white coffee this morning at The Convent Farmers' Market! It is located in an inner suburb but it is hard to believe when you look around and see nothing but bushland and the Yarra River... see the photos.
I enjoyed talking to the bloke from "Native Oz Cuisine" who sells several bushfoods, including my favourite, Bush Tomatoes. We bought some of his "Strawberry-gum infused pannacotta" which means a type of lovely, thick creme caramel kind of thing, infused with the amazing aroma of the strawberry gumtree leaf. His wife is aboriginal and together they have the only bushfoods company owned by Aboriginal people.
There was an Australian coffee stall selling coffee grown and roasted in Australia.....check out the website "Eureka Coffee".
Jack bought a kilogram bag of organic asparagus seconds for $4.... who says organic is expensive? When in season it should be easy to find bargains like this!
Here is a photo of coriander with its roots and stems on, as I was describing to various people on my is always sold this way here, and you use the roots and stems in the cooking then add the chopped leaves only at the end. This is often used in Thai cooking.
We had breakfast at Lentil as Anything...a vegetarian cafe where you just pay what you think the food is worth by putting some money in a jar as you leave. They serve mostly organic food and employ refugees or disadvantaged people and now have 4 cafes in Melbourne so obviously they are doing something right. They also often have live music, featuring refugees such as African drummers etc.
I love the rusty steel cut-outs of typical Australian farm dogs which lead you along a path to the community garden and the Collingwood Children's Farm, from the Farmers' Market...
.....and the wonderful decorations on the boardwalk...
On the way home Jack insisted we drop into the "Pure Bread" bakery, whose selection of patisserie equalled most I saw in France!
Much later we went out for dinner to a Middle Eastern restaurant called ZumZum and finished our absolutely fantastic dinner with Mahalabia...... which was these soft, nut-flavoured threads on top of a delicate, rosewater and nut infused custard..... well, somebody has to do the research!!

Spring is in full bloom here in Adelaide and there are many rose and flower shows to visit.
The rose garden at the Botanic Gardens looks magnificent.
Check out the Botanic Gardens link to see what's on including basket making demonstrations.
Deb from NIRVANA has several courses, you could check out her site. I think she has a course tomorrow, the 26th October.
Learn all about growing organic Fruit, Nuts and Berries, Poultry Keeping or Weaving on different days.
Sunday the 26th October.
SUNNINGDALE FARM (Mosquito Hill Road, Mount Jagged) has the garden open this Sunday 10am to 4pm as part of the Southern Fleurieu Cancer Support Group's SPRING GARDEN FESTIVAL.
I have written about Sunningdale farm before. Anne and Phil have an organic and biodynamic farm raising beef cattle, organic seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Gold coin donation and tea and coffee will be available as well as music by the Centre for Self African Drummers.
The other gardens open this Sunday are a Balinese style garden at 1 Bond St Hayborough and Rosetta Village , Maude St Victor harbour which has a herb garden and huge community vegetable garden. The Goolwa Band Ensemble will play in the gazebo and afternoon tea is available.
There are several gardens open each Sunday including Barry Beaches organic garden at Middleton on November the 9th.
Please leave a comment here if you need more information or phone Cancer Support group Victor Harbour 85529304 I have some leaflets if you would like one.
The Fullarton Park Community Centre will be the venue for the plant, food and craft Market this Saturday the 25th from 9 to 1pm. This market is held on the 4th Saturday of each month.
HERB DAY will be on SUNDAY the 2nd of November at Fullarton Park Community Centre from 10am to 4pm.
This is always the best day to buy unusual herbs, spices, veggies, trees and much more.
It's the 4th Sunday of the month so STIRLING MARKET will be bustling and Diana and Jen should be there selling their ORGANIC SEEDLINGS as well as many other stall holders.
If none of these events interest you might be interested in BOO AT THE ZOO. Friday the 31st October 5pm to 8:30pm at the Adelaide Zoo. Families are asked to wear their best Halloween costume for a parade and be prepared for some face painting and SPOOKY entertainment.
Happy gardening everyone.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Vancouver and the Agassiz area are not only picturesque beyond comparison.....
Black squirrel![]() | Raccoon![]() | Salmon travelling upstream to spawn![]() |
![]() The view from my bedroom window | ![]() | ![]() Some local scenes |
....but also have a nice local emphasis, when it comes to producing food....
Judy has a herb and vegetable farm just out of Agassiz...![]() | Rosemary grows magnificent scarlet runner beans...![]() | .....and George has a goat dairy. ![]() |
Agassiz is a food bowl for Vancouver because of its rich, fertile river-flats soil and yet it faces the same "progress" issues as Adelaide and other regions in that developers are being allowed to subdivide land for housing. The best soils in western Canada are being covered with houses and concrete driveways and along with Rosemary and Garth, my wonderful hosts, I do wonder at the power given to local councils to decide on important issues like land usage for the future.
Fuel prices here and in the USA are much lower than Australia, Europe and the UK, with petrol here today being C$1.15 and there are still lots of big cars, enormous road systems and traffic like you wouldn't believe. The motorways are full of semi-trailers trucking goods around the countries and Vancouver harbour, and Seattle and Singapore are a mass of ships loading and unloading never-ending supplies of the stuff that seems to be expected, to live in a modern world today.
And yet, only an hour or so away from Vancouver people are doing what people do best....growing and producing food with a passion equal to anything I have seen anywhere. You can see from the photo above right, how much George's goats love George! He has 400 goats, farmed out here and there, and most have a name! There are several breeds, which mostly looked the same to me, but George knows how old each goat is, who their parents were and how much milk they produce! His Swiss wife makes the cheeses and they are very, very good....I didn't meet her as she was away in Italy at a cheese conference. Soon George's land could be covered in houses and George would be a rich man if he sold his property but George loves goats, there is a shortage of goat milk already and it is a crazy world.....
It is the same with the corn fields and the buffalo breeder and the cow dairies and the market and the world over....and swathes of beautiful virgin Canadian forests are being cut down and making very ugly scars on the hillsides too, to make way for people and their the never-ending cancer of human greed sucks the life from its own sustenance, like a parasite, not stopping until the host is dead. Fishing fleets that once plied the rich waters around Vancouver have sucked the life from those waters too and the boats sit idle in the harbour, while the restaurant and overseas markets' demand for seafood sends the bigger ships far north to plunder those seas, without much thought for sustainable methods.
This area of Canada is so spectacular and has such rich soil that there needs to be someone to shake the decision-makers and force them to see the inevitable demise they are causing, in the name of progress. Do what they do in some parts of the UK and Europe and draw a line around the towns and say "That's it! Develop inside these boundaries and leave the outside as farmland."
Suddenly this plane has hit a turbulent patch....again I have 3 seats to myself and have slept for ages, having left Vancouver at midnight bound for Sydney and it is now about 7.30am .....about half way there then. I have just been given a second cup of tea and excellent tea it is too. This is a beautiful new plane and I can even plug my laptop in to power! Maybe the next generation of planes will have free stop Melbourne to meet up with Roger and stay with some friends for the weekend and then visit Gavin, from the Greening of Gavin, on Monday......the vagabond is not finished yet!
Of course there are lots more photos here.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Odd and interesting the way things change around the world...the English language, toilets, taps, cars, light switches, door latches, power-points, breakfasts and roads to name a few.
Bathrooms are the things I have had most trouble with and, in fact, at Roger D's I had to give up on turning on the shower and get dressed and go and ask him to show me how to turn on the don't turn the tap, you pull it...hard! Toilets come in many shapes, sizes and flushing systems. I got quite a shock in the Washington airport when the toilet flushed suddenly and with great gusto, all by itself! On a train in France it took me ages to work out how to flush it.....I think it was a pedal... or was that Singapore? Toilet bowls vary enormously and of all those I have seen, I like the American and Canadian ones for water efficiency and design. There are a myriad of showerheads and temperature control methods but give me an ordinary Australian set of taps anytime!
And if you want to turn on a light, search all nearby walls carefully (and some not so near!) and then turn the switch up, for on, not down, as in Australia. Now, after all this time, I am so confused about light switches I spend some time wondering where I am and in the end just flick up and down until it all comes good! Apart from the different voltages and pins on the power points of every country, it was interesting to see that there is no switch in a lot of places.....when you plug something in, it is on. Some places have a switch so tiny any normal-sized finger refuses to operate it. On the whole, people have a lot of power points and I could always find somewhere convenient to plug in the laptop, even in 1000 year old farmhouses....better than a lot of Australian homes and hotels.
In the UK and Europe the cars drive on opposite sides of the road and people who drive on both deserve a gold medal. They can also have cars with steering wheels on either side.....I was a totally confused passenger many times. It is scary going around a round-about the opposite way the first 100 times and I have never quite mastered looking the right way before crossing the road, so I look both ways a lot. Car door handles can be interesting to use too. Some open from the middle, some from the outer edge and some are just difficult to find. And the road rules are often a total mystery.....what with some places having one flashing red light hanging in the middle of the road, some having flashing green lights and the French having traffic light poles as short as an old Frenchman, just here and there so you have to search for them to find out what you are supposed to be doing! The French also put their street signs on the side of the road where they if you don't know which way you are going to have to turn you have to scan both sides of the road for a sign! Unlike in Australia, most often drivers will stop for a pedestrian who is anywhere near a simple crossing marked with white lines.
One minute European drivers have to negotiate very narrow and contrary "roads" originally made for a horse and rider and must park in spaces shorter and narrower than their cars! The next they are expected to drive at 130km/ hour on multi-laned motorways, manoeuvring between dense traffic, including hundreds of enormous trucks, all travelling at equally hair-raising speeds! They get my vote for the best drivers, in my experience. And navigating through the villages of France is an experience that requires a lot of patience and preferably the help of a GPS aid, such as Lucy who is Ian's constant companion and who gets very agitated when she tells Ian to turn up what turns out to be a one-way street, the wrong way, and Ian calmly says "No, Lucy, we will try the next street" . Meanwhile, Lucy says "Turn around....turn around ..... recalculating...recalculating..." in a very insistent English voice. Once though, Lucy suddenly turned American and made us laugh and wonder if it was all too much for Lucy and she had quit the job and handed over to an American woman who we called Billie-Jean. After a bit of adjustment though, we found Lucy again and decided the break had done her good as she wasn't quite so loud and stressed as before!
Of the 1500 or so photos in the web album, I have none of any of these ordinary things and now that I have left them all behind, I wish I had taken some. Maybe some of the people I have stayed with could take some photos for me and send them to me and I can insert them here....that would be very nice.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Trees nearly as tall as mountains, in every shade of green as well as all the autumn colours....
Even the squirrels are multi-coloured - some black, some grey and the local ones which are brown.....
And the sea is everywhere, just like in the phptos of Seattle that I posted yesterday....
The rivers...dotted with logs being brought downstream ..... bordered with forests and mountains ... and driven over across a green bridge that seemed to arch straight up to the top of the mountains before curving gracefully back down to the shore.
Winter ski resorts towering above the Vancouver skyline.....I wonder how anyone ever gets any work done for looking in awe at those mountains.....
Stories of local goat farmers and cheesemakers, of beans picked fresh from the garden for our dinner, local markets and walks through the forest to visit friends.....
Stories of a violent storm that brought down 400 year old trees, and swept the car of a friend off the road and over a cliff.....
And people with a conscience who seek the ethical, the real and the local and whose garden I will drool over tomorrow when it is light.....while I sit inside alone at some ungodly hour and drink my all milk coffee!
Sunday, 19 October 2008

Today was a bright and sunny day...the first since I arrived in Seattle...just perfect for being outside. Seattle is a city of hills, a harbour and lakes, at the bottom of magnificent Mt. Rainier and bordered on 2 sides by mountain far it has been too cloudy to really see much of them! The roads are like San Francisco, up and down and down and up....always catching a glimpse of the view from the top before diving down again and popping up somewhere else. The houses are all built on hills, much like in Sydney, and the gardens remind me of Melbourne....full of plants that thrive in cool, moist well as avenues of beautiful trees, some full of autumn colour, others the different greens of pines and spruces. The dozens of P-Patches are often on top of hills and command glorious views of the city, the sea and/or the surroundings. There are markets full of local produce to be found somewhere in Seattle every day of the week and it seems to me that people here have grabbed hold of the local and are taking it very seriously indeed. If I were to want to live in the USA, I would definitely consider Seattle..... because they do have pretty good coffee, on the whole!
I have been eating summer fruit for days....nectarines in particular!
Melinda and I went for a lovely walk along a new trail by the sea and caught a glimpse of Mt. Rainier, looming up beyond the cranes in the harbour..... bottom right in the grid.
At the exit gate from the University District Farmers Market this morning there was a chef from a well-known restaurant sitting in a booth ready to answer questions on how to cook the produce you had just purchased and another ready to answer questions on growing food for yourself. I thought these were great initiatives.
There was a rainwater tank system at the University District market that was very creative. Just follow the pipe down from the gutter. left to right....
Thankyou so much for showing me Seattle, Melinda, it has been a wonderful few days with you and Matt.
There are more photos here.
Check out what Melinda has to say too in her post today.