Monday 22 December 2008


I have been watching a video called Cradle to Cradle. It's not just any video. This is an in depth analysis of where we are and where we can go instead of where we are going. 

They have created 10 acres of pasture on top of a Ford factory complex and nature is returning to the site with the arrival of some birds who have made nests there.

At about 16:40 minutes it gets really interesting and Bill begins to talk about 12 green cities he is designing for China. The gist of it is that they shift the farm land up onto the tops of the buildings! They do so many creative things it is an inspiration, that's for sure.

Bill says so much in his dead-pan voice and it is hard to take it all in but it is worth the effort to feel that such people are out there doing their best to save us all from a grey world.

Thanks to son Alex for suggesting I watch this video.... and I hope lots more people watch it and learn what can be done if we reach way outside the square and get rid of conventions that don't work for us anymore. 

Embrace innovation like there's no tomorrow.....or there won't be.

1 comment:

Pattie Baker said...

Kate: Thanks! My city just passed a resolution to officially pursue Green Community certification in 2009 and the application awards up to 15 points for "innovation," so I'm very excited to see where that part of the journey will take us.