Monday 23 February 2009

Summer in Adelaide by Maggie

Garden Produce 018 800x600

It is 8pm, summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the birds are swirling through the sky, settling for the night.

There is a cool breeze, the plants in the garden are not stressed by the heat that is promised later in the week.

Victoria has wind and heat and bushfires, please be safe everyone.

Life is nature, life is change, life is energy, life is choices, life is growth, life is celebration, life is joy, life is happiness, life is sadness, life is mistakes, life is living in the moment, life is making choices for that moment, life is about equality for all, life is compassion for all, life is the energy of the universe, life is seeds and the bounty they produce, life is you and me and all of nature.

We have just enjoyed a wonderful meal with pasta, garlic,tomatoes, basil. spring onions, zucchini and eggplant, all from the garden, all from seeds which were saved and sown and planted and watered and protected from the harsh summer sun.

Take care everyone in Aussie land for the hot days ahead.

1 comment:

Veggie Gnome said...

Beautiful platter, Maggie! I am glad your garden is still producing a bounty.
The pasta sounds great, too!

Stay cool and safe! :)