Sunday, 10 December 2006


How did your garden go during the recent hot weather?
One day last week I sprayed the whole garden with one of those hose-on packs of seasol, mixed with a liquid called 'WormWorks', that my sister-in-law had given me months ago for my birthday. We (the garden and I) smelt pretty organic for a few hours and I did wonder if it was really any use. Then the hot weather came and I went into total hibernation inside, with my friend the airconditioner (evap, of course). I barely emerged for 48 hours until this morning (Sunday). I will tell you what I found - everything blooming happily, even the little lettuce seedlings (not that they were blooming with flowers, just with life!). So amazing is this that I thought I should share it with you. Now I am on the lookout for something to spray on me to make me flourish when its 40 degrees.

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