Tuesday, 15 January 2008


I don't usually do so well in the summer fruits as this year - usually I rely on my mother's amazing trees for that. This year, oddly enough, my peach and plum trees are laden AND we got the bird netting on months ago ! Bad luck dear parrot ! The peach is self sown from the thousands of stones I have spread around in the garden, from my mother's elberta peaches. They come up everywhere, grow like triffids and produce crops in 2 - 3 years from when I first notice them. They mostly don't get any or much water and thrive on it. Some things are a mystery to me.

I just picked a basket of delicious plums....hang on, where did those eggs come from? Has the plum tree started laying eggs too? Miracles never cease ! Oh no, can you feel that skippity doo thing coming on from where you are? I haven't been so excited about the garden for months!

Here is my peach tree and this is only 1 branch.
Stay tuned for news and photos of my mother's trees because she reckons she has over 100 enormous mangoes ripening before her eyes (they aren't usually ready until April). I look forward to seeing them later in the week. Her peaches are ripe, mine are still hard. Here comes peach everything, including lots of bottling and our favourite peach and date chutney etc.


Pattie Baker said...

You're killin' me.

Maggie said...

Maybe you could post your recipe and any other tomato chutney or relish. I do not have any fruit but I do have tomatoes and leeks.