Thursday 2 April 2009


These photos of breathtaking beauty were sent to me by Denis, in our seedsavers group. And the message is clear:

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating.  Even if it's to one more person .
In memory of anyone you know that has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for...
but while we are here we might as well dance!!"

Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer. Amen


watermelon flowers wartrmelon horse
watermelon bike rider multi

                             'A true friend is someone who knows you're
                                 a good egg even if you're a little cracked.


egg bird

egg bethlehem

These egg shells were cut with a high intensity precision Laser Beam. This gives a very good idea of what can be achieved with a Laser Beam. This gives you an idea what laser surgery performed on one's eye is all about. Is it any wonder how one's vision can be improved in just a few moments? Science is sometimes wonderful, and it's still on the frontier of gaining new knowledge. Incredible what can be done with an eggshell and a laser beam.


little girl on steps

This picture was in the collection and I am including it because it no doubt has some important significance for the creator of these messages.....

I will put a link here to the rest of the photos later today.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Thanks Denis and Kate.
A good reminder to live in the moment and be at peace with whatever situation we find ourselves in.
Diana and Cath's Seeds for Health Organic Gardening Course will be starting at the end of the month. I shall be sending the details as soon as the details are finalized.