Wednesday 13 May 2009


imageThe second Sunday in May is Mothers' Day here in Australia and that was last Sunday. Hugh invited me down to his house near the beach for lunch and on the way I called in on my own mother, of course.

While Hugh was preparing lunch I nipped outside to check on the vegetables we planted on the 20th of April..... when they looked like this....




Now it looks like this! I could not believe it! In just 23 days there were now lettuce and mizuna leaves that could be picked for a salad..... and the beetroot and kale were growing just as fast.

He tells me that the bloke who uses the rest of the garden for vegetables is moving out so Hugh will be able to plant another batch of seedlings soon.





I have such trouble growing thyme but Hugh's is the biggest thyme "bush" I have ever seen and it started out sooooo tiny and weak. And the coriander in the foreground I thought might not survive the few hot days we had just after we planted it but now has enough leaves to start picking!




Here is Hugh weeding his patch.... he even sweeps the path around the beds..... obviously he didn't get that tidy gene from me!

We sat outside for a while, on chairs set up between the vegetable bed and the herb bed and agreed.....

Life is good... get there fast and then take it slow...




But Hugh is not just a pretty face! He made fabulous rosemary pastry and cooked this beef pie which I unashamedly will say was the best I have ever tasted. Hugh kindly gave me the leftovers but then said.... please give it to the other granma..... who I was going to see later in the afternoon!

Thanks for a great meal and a lovely time, Hugh.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

The garden and the pie look fantastic Hugh.
Are they Diana and Jen's organic seedlings?