Sunday 10 February 2008


Today we went fishing and crabbing with some people I had never met before, but Roger knew the man from work. Usually this type of social gathering means I have to spend the day with some people who I have nothing in common with and hopefully will never see again. Today I met Mirjana and her husband Peter and I definitely plan on seeing them again soon.

The minute they arrived and Roger introduced us, Mirjana told me she had brought us a rock melon from her garden; for this she got 1 big tick. Next she said "I made you some Tirmisu, I hope you like it"; another big tick (is there anybody who doesn't love it?). The third and clinching big tick was when she told me she had previously had meat chooks (which the family actually ate) but had recently decided to get some egg chooks - I was over the moon about her having ANY chooks. Ticks flowed hither and thither all day, until I thought we would have ticks all over the boat! Here was a woman I could talk and fish with all day without getting bored.

I have an invitation to go out to her 10 acres and check out her olive grove, fruit orchard and vegetable garden next week. Isn't it nice in the photo how the sun was shining just on that glorious melon, while Mirjana cut it up for us. It was genuinely the best the rock melon I have ever had.

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