Wednesday, 16 April 2008


This is a post for all the people who visit this blog who also grow some of their food and write about it on their own blogs. We are a diverse group of people from all over the world and we all have at least 2 things in common - we grow some food and we each have a blog. Everyday I visit different countries and read all sorts of interesting things about your experiences - in starting a vegetable garden, growing some things on a balcony, in your yard, in a plot or at a community garden. Your views on all aspects of life are there for me to see and I love to learn about what you think and do in your part of the world. Growing food makes us all think more about ...everything. Your writing stimulates my mind and often I leave a comment and sometimes I later wish I hadn't! Often your writing starts me thinking on something that then becomes a post of mine. And so on.

It would be a great thing if somehow we could all get together and have a festival for food-growing bloggers! I know that Adelaide, Australia is an awfully long way from almost everywhere but I would love to host a kind of 'come-and-see-my-garden' type of thing which would include some visits to free things like farmers' markets, gorgeous food gardens of my friends, lots of home-cooked food and a chance to meet and laugh and share even more than we do now. I am sure I could find a few seedsavers and fellow gardeners here who would be happy to have people to stay in their homes or provide space for a tent. All you would need to do would be to get here!

Is there any chance that we could do this? If you have ever wanted to come to Australia, this is your chance to do it pretty cheap. Who knows, other Aussies might offer to have visitors to their places later too. And for the Australians amongst us - give me one good reason why you wouldn't come??

Please leave a comment or send me an email via this blog even if it is just to tell me I am mad! I think I will put something in the side-bar about it so it stays on the front page a while, to catch everyone.


Pattie Baker said...

Kate: You know I'd love to do this--I am just working on finding a way. I'd love to cover this as a story. Let me see if I can place it.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to come too. Just hope I can make it.

Kate said...

2 comments in 2 minutes after I clicked publish - looking good!

Kate said...

Thanks Patrick! I'm glad you're everywhere! Now everyone, go to that forknmonkey blog and vote for me!

Jumbleberry Jam said...

I'm hoping we can make another trip "home" next winter during uni holidays (DH is a full-time Master's student, so money and time are tight). But, if it happens to coincide with your event, you can bet I'll be there (even though I'm not yet a blogger and struggle to keep my hands in the dirt with the exception of indoor herbs and lemon/olive trees in my huge window "box" time with my toddler on the loose). Thanks for the directions to your capsicums yesterday...vicariously growing food & saving seeds thru you.

Veggie Gnome said...

How strange! When I read your previous post and looked at the pictures I thought, 'Gee, I'd love to have a little walk in that garden!'

So, I couldn't give you a good reason why I wouldn't come! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,
For me the best time would be during school holidays (NSW). I

Anonymous said...

I would really love to come too. I know it won't be this year, we have to save money to fix our house foundation and plan to just travel within Europe this year.

When we travelled to Indonesia a few years ago, we were really sobered by all those hours on the plane. We aren't eager to repeat that, not just for our comfort but also because of the environmental issues. At the same time, we would really like to visit Oceana, so maybe sometime we could make the trip.

I think I noticed you mention something on the KGI forums about visiting Europe. We might try to get together then, if you were interested.

Anonymous said...

Kate, it's an awesome idea. I wish we could come to Australia, but for the next few years it's just not feasible for us. But it's a fabulous idea. Sort of like the Slow Food meetings, only more intimate...

Recently there was a garden get-together in the US - I don't know how it went. It was mostly non-food bloggers, though. But you might look into it. I believe the Garden Ranters wrote about it a few times.

I've been thinking of hosting a garden party for all the garden bloggers in my new town (Seattle - yeah looking for a place this week - hate that part). If you decide to do this, maybe we could all have regional get-togethers on the same day...

Kate said...

August 24th is KGI's kitchen gardeners international day and I think that's the day I will nominate as THE day. Plus a day or 2 either side if a few people can come. I will write a post about it ASAP.

Ian said...

Hi Kate, as you know I'm a big supporter of this idea and also of Melinda's idea that we could have regional events all round the world. I too have chosen KGDay for my event this year in France. Thanks for getting this up and running.

Cwm Goch Chronicles said...

Hi Kate - I'm the newbie you visited at Cwm Goch Chronicles. Great to hear there's another Aussie out there! I think your 'Visit my garden' idea is terrific, although I can't see us getting there for a while - maybe next year though. The offer goes both ways though - if you're ever in WA - we're about 40 mins east of Perth I'd love you drop in and see what we're doing. It sounds like you've got a lot more experience so your feedback would be appreciated!
Nathalie :)

Lucky-1 said...

If it fits into our hectic medical life to come and meet some fellow gardeners.:)